Parents Promise Advisory Council
Positive Parenting Alliance continues to develop with the help of an Advisory Council. This
comprises of:
Aruna Bansal (Asian Single Parents Network)
Dr David Curl (Two
Melissa Davis (MD Communications)
Jo Edwards (Forsters)
James Hayhurst (Chair)
Hannah Hodgkinson (Amicable)
Nell Garfath-Fox (Fegans)
Rebecca Giraud (Only Mums&Dads)
Verity Glasgow (OnePlusOne)
Bob Greig (Only Mums and Dads)
Penny Mansfield CBE (OnePlusOne)
Donald Mbeutcha (Legacy Lifestyle)
Richard Meier (Tavistock Relationships)
Jo Middleton (Frolo)
Sarah Osmik (Relate)
Helen Pittard (Voices In The Middle)
Susan Rogers (Place2Be)
Dr Angharad Rudkin (Clinical Psychologist)
Ian Soars (Fegans)
Carina White (Black Mums Upfront)
Rt. Hon Shaun Woodward