
This is the UK website for the #ParentsPromise.

We also have an international site for visitors from outside the UK.

For parents and education professionals

Take part in our research project looking at how parental separation plays out in a school context. Please support the #ParentsPromise by completing our survey.

supporters and counting
The Positive Parenting Alliance
"The process of separation is failing millions of children and parents, across the UK. Every year, an estimated 280,000 children, a similar number to the size of the population of Newcastle, experience family separation.*

It's one of the greatest, least-recognized, health risks to our children.

The Positive Parenting Alliance is a group of organisations, and individuals, who believe that all children deserve the most positive experience possible during parental separation or divorce.

Our aim is to create a genuinely child-focussed society and better systems to ensure the long-term wellbeing of children when parents separate."

James Hayhurst, Parents Promise Founder

*Family Solutions Group 2020
The Positive Parenting Alliance
Why this is so important.
For children, whilst separation will bring inevitable feelings of loss and change, they can still thrive if their parents work in partnership to create the right conditions. We know that children are more likely to adapt with fewer problems, and less emotional distress, when parents are able to part with compassion and continue to work together in partnership even when they are not together.
Make the promise
Did You Know?


Every year c280,000 children in the UK see their parents separate.
Family Solutions Group 2020

No 1 mental health issue for children

The primary reason for children being referred to counselling are the effects of family breakdown (Fegans 2020). 'Ongoing family tensions' is one of the most common presenting issues in primary-age children who are referred for Place2Be's one-to-one counselling (67%).

More children affected year on year

In 2019 there were over 200,000 Children's Act orders made (an increase of over 11%), and over 50,000 private law cases (an increase of over 6%).
Ministry of Justice, 2020

Massive financial cost

The annual cost to the taxpayer of family breakdown is estimated to stand at £51bn (2018 figures), up from £37bn ten years ago.
The changes we are calling for
Every child has a need to be loved by both their parents and their wider families, the right not to have to choose one parent over the other and to be shielded from conflict and adult conversations. They have the right to have both parents working together to create the conditions for them to succeed. They have the right to be a child.
Make the promise
The 3 Changes


The creation of a culture in which we all play a part in protecting children from harm, and in helping them thrive, when parents separate.


Family wellbeing to become central to the conduct of government, business and all organisations. Employers should recognise the trauma of separation in their HR policies and provide more flexible work, and emotional support, during this period so that children affected are properly supported and their needs considered paramount.


An evidence-based approach to family breakdown, fuelled by a better understanding of the damage done to children through traumatic separations and the collection of data on the financial and emotional costs of family breakdown, including the mental health outcomes for adults and children involved in family law proceedings.
Make the Parents Promise
The #ParentsPromise
Whatever happens in our relationship with each other,
promise to put your needs first by always:
Recognising that we are both your parents. You have a need for a relationship with each of us, and your wider family. We will never make you choose between us.

Loving you and keeping you safe, whilst always being respectful to one another. As your parents we will never hurt or tell lies about each other.

Working together as a partnership to provide for you and to create the best conditions for you to thrive.

By signing and submitting your Parents Promise you will receive a personalised downloadable pdf certificate.

The Parents Promise in the Media

Parents Promise HR initiative launch (Jan 2023)

The Parents Promise on BBC 5 Live Breakfast (October 2021)

C4 A fathers fight to see his son through a broken family court system (May 2021)

The Parents Promise Launch Video (May 2021)

Press Clippings

The Parents Promise is not responsible for the content of external sites.

The Times - 3 February 2023

Hold on, HR departments, not every trauma is a 'life event'. Sometimes it's just life.

Daily Mail - 30 January 2023

'Sitting at home moping doesn't help': Business expert says bosses should give staff going through a marriage break-up more work to distract them amid calls for official divorce leave.

The Times - 27 January 2023

Divorce leave scheme backed by Tesco, Asda and NatWest.

Netmums - 27 January 2023

'Divorce Leave' from work could become the norm for parents, under new scheme.

ITV - 27 January 2023

Divorce leave scheme backed by big companies.

Daily Mail - 27 January 2023

Parents going through a divorce could soon be given time off from work under new scheme backed by Tesco, Asda and NatWest.

The Legal Diary - 27 January 2023

Law firms ease pain of separation.

Benefits Expert - 27 January 2023

MP warns employment packages are ineffective without support for parents

The Law Society Gazette - 26 January 2023

Firms sign up to divorce support scheme for staff.

People Management - 26 January 2023

Businesses pledge to support divorcing employees as survey reveals three quarters feel less efficient at work.

Solicitors Journal - 25 January 2023

Major law firms join employee divorce support initiative.

Personnel Today - 25 January 2023

Firms join forces to support employees with divorce or separation.

Grocery Gazette - 25 January 2023

Asda and Tesco sign up to new divorce support initiative for staff.

The Times - 28 October 2021

Warring parents clog up divorce courts.

Transparency Project - 13 May 2021

New 'Parents Promise' Initiative launches.

For advice on how to separate with compassion, or if you are currently experiencing difficulties and distress around these issues and need further support a list of helpful organisations is below.